Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Structure of the Departments of the Faculty::


provides the trainingofspecializationon"Geology" for the future experts

department is headed by Doctor of Geological Sciences, Professor


The Department teaches professionally-oriented disciplines: Minerals, Basics of Ecology, Geotectonics, Regional Geology, Mineral Prospecting,Laboratory Methods of Mineral Study,Structure of Ore Fields and Deposits,Protection of Environmental and Rational Wildlife Management, Raw Material Economics,Geological and Ecological Estimation of Mineral Deposits, Minerals Exploration Methods,Industrial Types of Mineral Deposits. The Department qualifies engineers in the speciality 7.04010301 - Geology . There is a post-graduate courses.

provides the training of specializationon "Hydrogeology" for the future experts

department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Dmitro Rudakov

The Departmentteachesprofessionally-oriented disciplines: Soil Science, Hydrogeology, Groundwater Dynamics, Basics of Environmental Science, Soil Mechanics, Evaluation of Groundwater Storage, Engineering Geology, General Hydrogeology, Engineering Constructions, Hydrogeochemistry, Engineering-Geological Investigations, Water Supply and Irrigation Engineering, Hydrogeological Survey, Searches and Investigation of groundwater, Hydraulics and hydrometrics, Soil Reclamation Hydrogeology, Engineering Geocryology, Engineering Geodynamics, Mineral Waters, Radio Hydrogeology, Engineering-Geological Investigations for Various Constructions, Environment Protection and Conservation, Areal Hydrogeology, Areal Engineering Geology, Special Engineering Geology, Environmental Hydrogeology, Environmental Hydrogeo Chemistry, Geotechnical Systems, Geoecological Systems, Special Environmental Engineering, Mathematical Methods in Geoecology, Modeling and Prediction of Technological Processes. The department prepares engineers of speciality 7.04010302 - Hydrogeology. It has postgraduate students.

provides the training of specializationon "Geophysics" forthefuture experts

department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor


The Departmentteachesprofessionally-oriented and specialized disciplines:Basics of Geophysics,Field Theory,Gravity Prospecting,Magnetic Prospecting,Nuclear Geophysics,Electrical Prospecting,Seismic Prospecting,Geophysical Research Boreholes,Physics of Earth,Methods of Geophysical Problem Solving on Computers,Petrophysics,Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies,Integrated Geophysical Methods Basics,Geophysical Data Processing Basics,Personal Computers in Geophysics,Geophysical Methods in Geoecology,Seismic Data Processing on Computer, Interpretation of Seismic Data in the Solution of Structural Problems,Structural ElectricProspecting,Interpretation System in Geophysical Prospecting,Integrated Geophysical Methods,ElectricProspecting inGeophysics,ElectricProspecting inGeoecology,Radiometry in Geoecology, Ecology-geophysicsmapping,GravityMethodsinGeoecology, Geophysical Methods in Environmental Monitoring. The Departmentqualifiesengineers in the speciality 7.04010303 - Geophysics. It haspostgraduate studies.

provides the training of specializationon "Well-drilling" forthefuture experts

department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Oleksandr Davidenko

The Departmentteachesprofessionally-oriented disciplines:Rock Mechanics,Materials Science,Rock Destruction while Drilling,Geological survey business and accident prevention,Well-drilling,Maintenance of Drilling Equipment,Drilling Mechanics,Transportation in Geological Prospecting,Directed Drilling,Drilling in difficult conditions,Plugging Mextures. The Departmentqualifiesengineers in the speciality 7.05030103 - Drilling wells. There is a post-graduate courses.

provides the training ofspecializationson "Geoinformation Systems and Technologies" and "Computer-based ecological-economic monitoring" forthefuture experts

department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Boris Busign

The Departmentteachesbasic, professionally-oriented and special discipline: Higher Mathematics, Discrete Mathematics, Computing Methods, Probability Theory and Mathematic Statistics, Geoinformatics, Informatics and Geological Data Processing, Databases, Pattern Recognition and Image Processing, Computer Processing of Text Information Systems, Intelligence Systems, Processing and Interpretation of Space Images, Modelling of Natural and Economic Objects, GIS in Cadastral Systems, GIS Designing and Exploitation. The Departmentqualifiesspecialists in the field of geographic information systems and technologies, computer ecological-economic monitoring .

general educational

department is headed byCandidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Professor

Yury Khomenko

The Departmentteachesprofessionally-oriented disciplines: General Geology, Structural Geology, Geology and Geomorphology, Geology, Gemology. The Department conducts training of geological practice for the first-year students of geology and the second-year studentson of geological survey.

department is headed byCandidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Docent

Valery shkov

The Departmentteachesprofessionally-oriented disciplines mineralogical and geochemical cycles: Mineralogy and Crystallography, Petrography and Lithology, Historical Geology and Paleontology, Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology, Geochemistry and Geochemical Research Methods, Technological Mineralogy, Commercial Mining Geology, Mineral Deposits and Technological Assessment, Basics ofthe Genetic Mineralogy,TechnologicalPetrography,Prospecting Mineralogy.

department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Olena Sdvizhkova

The Department provides teaching lectures on the fundamental disciplines: Higher Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equationscalculus, Probability Theory and Mathematic Statistics, Mathematics for Economists. At the department there is a post-graduate courses.

department is headed byCandidate ofChemical Sciences,Docent


The Departmentteachesgeneral education and specialdisciplines:General andPhysical Chemistry,Technical Analysis of Minerals, Chemistry ofcoal, Chemistry of the Materials.



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